Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Getting Real

Ok, so this thing is really happening. The truck is here and loaded. My life, save for a few scattered keepsakes and a couple small suitcases, is in the driveway. Waiting to begin its 2,000 mile journey to my new life.

My bedroom has an echo. I didn't remember that. It's been packed too the gills since that first day I wandered in with my Legos and set to work making it my own.

I've burned endless bags of garbage. Old school papers, junk mail, magazines and a seemingly endless supply of golf scorecards, movie ticket stubs and receipts. I've sent mountains of clothing to Goodwill. I've made easy decisions with some junk and faced sentimental stalemates with other junk. Now what's done is done and it's time to depart.

For a while here I've been "moving to Texas" without a whole lot changing. That all ends tomorrow.

Time to rip off the band-aid.

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