Sunday, February 21, 2010

Week 2

I realized I haven't updated in a bit. That's partially because life is getting more routine and regular. Last week I sent my first batch of conference news stories to the Southwestern Union for publication in their magazine. I also attended my first Executive Committee meeting. It's not something our department is required to attend, but it helps us to know what's going on and sometimes gives us leads for other stories to cover.

I'm going to be developing web news stories for the conference site. Luckily I have some experience in this area. We're also going to be helping put together an video tour of Lake Whitney Ranch, the new summer camp/campmeeting and events center the conference is developing. Luckily, video editing is one of Kristina's area of strength, but hopefully I'll find ways to be helpful. The Pathfinders, Adventurers and Master Guides are all having their camporees at Lake Whitney this year so we'll be busy reporting and documenting those events as well.

Friday I hit the golf course again. Things were a little bit greener. But that was mostly because they had sprayed green fertilizer on the greens. What else did I do after that... I forget. Oh yah, got some groceries so I could make a crock pot stew for Sabbath lunch, and then hit the treadmill at the apartment.

On Sabbath I went to the Arlington church again. This week I attended the YG (Younger Generation) service, which is sandwiched between the traditional services. It was pretty good. Having spent my entire life attending one church it's kind of hard to figure out what's going to be a good fit for me. But I'll get there.

After church and lunch I headed out and did some exploring in downtown Fort Worth. The rain ended up kinda putting a damper on that, but I still managed to see a piece of things. Looks like there's lots more to get into there, but for now here's a couple quick looks:



Today I headed back to the golf course in the morning. It had rained overnight so it wasn't too crowded. The starters offered to let me play the back 9 first since a couple groups had just gone off on the front. They said I might have to join another group when I came around to play the front, but I figured I would take my chances. As I played the weather got steadily better and by the time I was finishing my first 9 there was a decent crowd of people getting ready to head out. The starter told me to join a group of three that was getting ready to tee off.

Usually playing with strangers is one of my least favorite things. Especially if it's joining a group of three. They usually have their own established routines and procedures and it makes me feel like a tag along. But helps when three holes in you figure out that all three guys are Adventist and one of them is a County Commissioner running for re-election. I really appreciate it when God does little things like this. Just random, unnecessary little things to let me know that He knows me and what I enjoy. That He's supportive of things that I enjoy and want to be a part of them with me. And even though my score didn't exactly reflect it, after I joined up with those guys I felt like I played better.

After golf I grabbed some lunch, washed my car and tried to go to this coffee shop in an older part of Burleson. Turns out they're closed on Sundays but I wandered around there for a bit and scouted out some restaurants for later.

All in all it's been a pretty productive second week and a pretty enjoyable third weekend. Glad I got to enjoy some sunshine today because rumor has it that snow may be back in the forecast by Tuesday. How the weather does change down here!

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