Monday, December 3, 2012

Visuals 2: Electric Boogaloo

Not much needed in the way of an introduction. Here are some other TV goodies I've been devouring:

Hell on Wheels
There's certain shows you just know you're going to be a fan of. Hell on Wheels was one of those shows for me. Post Civil War drama. Transcontinental Railroad Drama. Racism and class warfare on the praire? Sign me up! It has a storyline that leaves you scratching your head at times. In my opinion, they seem to find ways for everyone to get along a little too easily at times. The show is clearly about unlikely friendships and alliances, but it seems like nearly every connection in the show breaks the conventions of the day. Seems like they were conventions for a reason. Plus, folks are just abundantly tolerant of people they plain don't like. But I'm sure things will boil to a head eventually.

Watch Hell on Wheels if you like:
Bad boys trying to make good
Tattooed prostitutes with hearts of gold
Blue-collar criminals outsmarting white-collar criminals
Working on the railroad, all the live-long day

If Hell on Wheels is a no-brainer show for me to watch, Dexter is possibly the ultimate puzzler (besides reality tv). I don't like blood. I don't like bodily fluids in general. Yet I've been pretty captivated by this serial-killer drama for the last couple years. A Miami Metro crime lab geek with a horrific past and a primal urge to dish out frightening vigilanti justice, Dexter Morgan finds himself on a delicate tightrope between humanity and something else. A force he refers to as his Dark Passenger. In the context of the show he's surprisingly likable, for someone who puts a knife in a person's chest nearly every episode. The show is somewhat like Criminal Minds, and that rich psychological aspect is probably part of what engages me between the parts where I'm covering my eyes. There have been some bland and predictable moments, but if you haven't watched Dexter at all you'll be in for a couple moments that absolutely shock and unhinge you.

Watch Dexter if you like
Cat and mouse games
Dark humor
Seeing instant justice served to the dregs of society
Not sleeping at night

In unrelated news, I saw Skyfall this weekend. Most of the comments I had heard lead me to believe that Casino Royale was the best of the recent 007 reboots. I for one really enjoyed Skyfall. I found it to be a great step forward for the series. And by step forward I mean it's bringing things full-circle. It was very un-Bond in and of itself, but this storyline helped us return to the glory days of this franchise, without the added baggage of excessive cliches and laughable fight scenes. While it may not have delivered on everything that a 007 flick is known for, I think down the road we'll look back on Skyfall as an essential moment, a necessary step to get us to a better place.

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