Sunday, February 16, 2014

Why Not a Recipe? (Lentil Curry)

1  medium onion
3 Tablespoons of olive oil
2 garlic cloves (or more if you're sassy like that)
1 Tablespoon of curry powder
4 Cups of vegetable stock
3 Cups of potato (cut into cubes)
1 1/2 Cups of lentils
4 tomatoes (cut into cubes)
1 can of tomato soup
Salt and Pepper

Making the Magic:
Put a big pot on the stove on low to medium heat. Add the olive oil and onion (chopped into small chunks). Let that simmer for a little bit (not long enough to get brown) then add the garlic and curry powder.

After a minute or so add everything else. Turn the heat up to get it simmering, then turn it down and let it go for 20-30 minutes, or however long it takes to get the lentils nice and soft.

Bask in the delicious smells wafting through your kitchen.

Make up some rice to serve this spicy and complex goodness over.

You could probably add some carrots and other veggies as well. Maybe I'll try that next time.

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