Friday, January 29, 2010

Day 2

Pushing on late into the night yesterday made for a merciful second day on the road. The 400-odd miles to Palm Desert seemed like a walk in the park. Yet it still took fair amount of time to get here. Some parts, with high concentrations of dairy animals, seemed like pure torture and climbing over the grapevine was a bit sluggish. But we made it through the fringes of LA and into Palm Springs at about 3:30. This turned out to be just enough time to get in 12 holes of golf before dark. I'm now contemplating the feasibility of retiring right now.


It's gonna be good to take a day off and recover. The next two legs of the journey will probably be pretty brutal. We're just short of the halfway point.1,200 miles in two days and moving in on the next day. Like I said, its going to be great to have a day off.

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