Tomorrow I head in for my first day of work (not counting the three-odd days I was down here at the beginning of January for some pastors meetings). It's been a good relaxing weekend of settling in, visiting the Burleson Church, not golfing(because of unusual cold/moisture)and joining my friends for some Xbox Live gaming.
It's kind of funny that moving 2,000 miles away (but getting a broadband internet connection) is actually giving me more opportunities to hang out with my friends... in some sense. We play video games, talk, joke around and pretty much do the things we would be doing if we were all in one place. Instead we're doing it in some digital living room that doesn't really exist.
It's a charmed age we live in.
I'm excited to finally get started with this job. To find out what it's going to be like. To have clearer answers, instead of assumptions and best guesses. It's also pretty nice that I'll be working Monday-Thursday, like my last job... and that this weekend has a Monday holiday, so I'll follow four days of work with four days off work. The perks of Adventist employment can't be overlooked.
So hopefully I'll have more things to report, and I'll be better at remembering to jot them down here. I know you're all just dying to know all the random things that are happening in my life. Feel free to fire away your questions if you have any. I'm not always sure or aware of what's going on that might be noteworthy.
But now I must sleep. Morning comes earlier in the Central Time Zone and I'm still coming to grips with that.
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