Monday, February 8, 2010


Day one is in the books. As with most first days it was a lot of housekeeping and orientation. It was kind of nice though, to not have a huge fuss made over me. When I was little my least favorite part of visiting a different church was a dozen pairs of eyes turning toward me and the seemingly forced welcome, "AND WHERE ARE YOU FROM???" It's nice to just show up and start working. Not that people weren't friendly and welcoming, it just didn't seem like they were trying.

It was very cold and very rainy today. If I didn't know any better I would have thought I was working in Centralia. We get an hour for lunch, which turns out to be enough time to run home and eat lunch if I want to.

I was tempted to hit the treadmill tonight, but I'm very tired from going to bed late last night. I'm pushing that plan back until tomorrow and enjoying a little relaxing time before getting after it again tomorrow.

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