Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Perhaps I've just been too busy feeling overwhelmed, exhausted and sluggish over the last couple days, but today I feel like I'm actually getting things done. In the midst of all the random chaos this week I've made a few tiny steps on work-related things and today I'm feeling like they're all coming together. There's still a lot to figure out, but I'm not feeling completely useless.

Even though I'm a completely disorganized Type-B personality I throughly enjoy filling out expense reports. Maybe that's because it represents reimbursement checks that are oh so enjoyable. There's going to be some big ones from this whole process. House hunting trip. Moving truck rental and gas. Moving mileage, hotel and per diem.

It will definitely be nice for this job to start being fiscally responsible. Having a job in Texas is certainly more cost-effective than having no job in Washington, but thus far it's cost me a lot of money to be here. I haven't minded that one bit. Furnishing my apartment was/is a blast. But it will be nice to have some affirmation that this move makes sound financial sense. And if my calculations are correct the check I'll get on the 18th should do that and then some!

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