Wednesday, March 3, 2010


From what I gather March is truly a spring month around here. Folks are expecting warmer temperatures and sunshine. Other than the first day we seem to be headed in that direction. It's nice to see high temperatures staying above 45 degrees for the foreseeable future.

Work continues to go well. We are starting to gather materials for the spring/summer issue of the quarterly conference magazine. I've got a couple stories on my plate, the event calendar and possibly a couple other things. Also this month we have Town Hall meetings in several cities. I'll be getting to see a big chunk of the state since I have to drive the projector/screen to these events. Checkpoints on the docket include Houston, McAllen and San Antinio.

Last weekend got sort of blown out when I decided to brave the 40 degree drizzle and golf on Friday. Since then I've been fighting a cold bug as a result. Hopefully I'll be back at full capacity by this weekend. I'd like to check out Fort Worth some more. The Museum of Modern Art interests me, with a Warhol feature... and of course there's the stockyards and just downtown in general.

It's really kind of funny. I'm a pretty shy person... ok, at times I'm a cripplingly shy person... yet I find myself really enjoying intense urban settings. I oscillate between feeling terrifyingly conspicuous and blissfully invisible. I'm starting to define my comfort bubble here. The areas where I frequently go as part of my regular routines. But it's also exciting to know just how unfamiliar and unknown pretty much everything is around me.

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