Wednesday, July 7, 2010


So I had a very eventful weekend. Somewhat on a whim (if you can call four days advance a whim) I decided to get outta town in honor of my 4-day 4th of July weekend. I was definitely ready for a change of scenery from Dallas. I was feeling the urge to finally see the gulf coast. Plus, since I moved down here I've had a standing appointment to meet up with an online friend and quite possibly destroy the universe with our common initials/nicknames and outstanding like-mindedness. What a great way to kill two birds with one stone!

Rather than overwhelm you with many huge images I'll just paste a slideshow of images from the trip. If you want to see them in a larger size and/or download some to print out poster size for me to autograph when I come to visit YOU just go to my Flickr stream and knock yourself out. :P

I have so many stories/thoughts from the trip, but the 10 hour drive on Monday and an 18 hour workday on Tuesday have left me a bit fried. I'll try to get to it when I can.

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