Thursday, July 29, 2010


Things continue rolling along. Business as usual. I suppose that's why I forget to add the latest and greatest information. But a few items of note have popped up recently.

After six months of exhausted hydraulics and a sore back I finally got a new office chair! Actually it's more of a throne. I'm ready to become a workaholic in all it's faux leathery goodness. Although I'm really trying to find ways to be more involved with work that takes place outside the office. That's where I can be a storyteller.

Speaking of stories, the our first issue of The Flame, our conference magazine is out. Finally. It's been quite a hit already. I just got off the phone with the editor of 3ABN's magazine. They're planning to pick up one of the stories I did. The fact that my story made 3ABN look great may have influenced him, but it sure feels good to have your work praised under any circumstance!

Running 009
I'm continuing to pound the treadmill. When I started running regularly this year I decided to try and run 200 miles in 2010. At the rate I'm going it looks like I might get there by my birthday.

I thought there was something else I was going to share, but it escapes me now. Plus, it's quitting time and the start of my weekend. As Fred Flintstone so brilliantly put it, "Yabba Dabba Dooo!"

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