Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Santacula: A review

Santacula is the second release from Winchester Malone. Full disclosure, he's a friend of mine, so that will definitely affect my review. While I sincerely enjoyed his first book, Dawn of the Yeti, this was a very different story.

Much like the original Dracula, it's written as a collection of available reports/media  surrounding a specific incident. In this 21st Century update the media has changed. You now get texts, emails, social media posts and web-based news reports that surround a surprising tale. A group of young vampires, tired of perpetually being on Santa's naughty list create an elaborate plot to confront the man in red. What results is a shocking accident that changes the course of Christmas, and the world, forever.

I read this book partly out of my friendship with the author and partly because I enjoyed Dawn of the Yeti. The subject mater is a little out of my usual wheelhouse (though I've found myself reading a lot more sci-fi on my Kindle), but it was still a pretty enjoyable read. If you're waning to sample a Winchester Malone book, I'd suggest Dawn of the Yeti. If you're into vampires or want a dark and amusing Christmas read than Santacula is definitely worth checking out.

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