Monday, January 13, 2014


A new year is upon us. That's a sure fire way to get me motivated to do things. I'm not a resolution type of person, but I find myself actively seeking fulfillment as each year begins. I get creative. I cook, clean and organize. I do a lot of things that frankly are pretty out of character with my usual personality. 

But I rather like it. This year I've reorganized my kitchen (still working on it), installed a shelving/hanging system in my closet and already lined up a couple commissioned photography assignments. I'm eating better (calorie-counting wise), exercising more and embracing all kinds of rsponsibility that userd to frustrate and exhaust me in my youth. It still does to a degree, but I'm finding the satisfaction in order and accomplishment. 

It's a lot like the grasshopper and the ant. I need the grasshopper's dreaming spirit to explore and create, but the ant's practicality and responsibility to keep everything in order. 

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